Deconstructing the News part 5
BMJ rr. Cobbold on vitamin D.
BMJ. rr. “Encouraging covid vaccine uptake and safe behaviours—an uphill struggle against government complacency”.
Brief response, making important oft neglected points.
BMJ rr Superb response to the BMJ ethicist, Sokol, who is an enthusiast for mandatory covid vaccs for all NHS staff. ( see Sokol’s article by pressing on the ‘article’ tab above the response ).
( the author of this response, Dr Matteo Pizzo, has an interesting short report in a Faculty of Psychotherapy newsletter, on p 18 of this link. : )
Update on 5G Legal Action.
Daily Sceptic
Norwegian study suggests no difference in hospitals covid morality between vaccinated and non vaccinated.
“ Why have we doctors been silent “
Vaccine exemptions that care workers need to be aware of
Why isn’t the MHRA investigating vaccine deaths?
Re the first TCW item above,
- Another letter from Dr Ros Maidment and many HART docs, re childhood vaccs., went to the MHRA etc today. Please see attachment
“Neurodiversity is the new normal”
Quite a few of the quotes are from the UK.
The Guardian - an article about the teenage, and older, surge in cases of ‘Tourettes’, in relation to social media etc. No mention of the possible role of EMF.
The Daily Sceptic *******
Negative vaccine effectiveness/ TNCC ( Test Negative Case Control approach)
Important, altho a longish read - so at least ponder on the intro and the conclusion, especially the middle para that makes the point that the UKHSA is providing the raw data that allows such unmentionables -eg negative vaccine effectiveness- to be identified and assessed by observers. If you have time - read it all !
The middle bit has some very interesting comments about our old friend, Original Antigenic Sin. And how you are more likely to catch other viruses after a flu vaccine.
Also - by two academic nurses.
American Thinker
The otherisation of unvaccinated people is proceeding quickly.
American - but an international perspective. A few VIPs bite the dust.
Ethics and fibs, then and now.
Careful, we must be, to avoid becoming somnolent in the sticky web of real and lazy lies, corruption and censorship, that surround us. Was it not always so ? Lazy lies are those dismissive comments beloved by members of the Fourth Estate, which allow them to repeat the time honoured untruths of colleagues, which readers seldom challenge. Such has been the fate of Andrew Wakefield for two decades, although his name has been scarcely mentioned since the dawn of covid. Perhaps it is because the media were so keen to associate, wrongly, AW and fraud, that anything likely to remind readers of Pfizer’s $2.3billion criminal fine for fibs in 2009, must never be mentioned. AW has been worth millions to pharma. Media waving of his professional shroud, warning off those docs who query the industry’s motives or products, works like a noose.
JS has mastered the narrative of this miserable saga - much recommended.
BMJ rr. “ .. data integrity in Pfizer’s vaccine trial .” A response from a Memphis lady doc that says it all.
BMJ rr - “ .. data integrity in Pfizer’s vaccine trial .” A fascinating response from a senior BMJ person about the above.
BNJ News Covid-19: US doctor who called masks “dangerous” and vaccines a “human experiment” dies of coronavirus. ( The poor deceased man’s earlier comments sound unremarkable ? )
-but this rapid response to the above, poses some relevant questions.
This doctor trained at the Mayo Clinic and runs the largest independent testing laboratory in Idaho.
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RFK junior’s book on Fauci is now no 2 on Amazon - read this brief excerpt from his interview with Tucker Carlson.