General Health/Wellbeing
General Health/Wellbeing
A Holistic Perspective on Covid 19
What should be the views of holistic health practitioners in exploring the challenges of Covid-19 for themselves and their clients. What unique perspective can homeopathy and other holistic practices bring to the table.
Vaccine Epidemic: Book Review Part Two
The review continues to explore the personal impact of vaccines, their use by the military, the increasing numbers of vaccines given to children and the case of Dr Andrew Wakefield in the UK. It summarizes the medical politics behind vaccine policy and the societal problems this brings up.
Healing Lyme Disease Naturally - A book review Part Two
Tagged in: Health, Lyme disease, Homeopathy
Natural options to treat Lyme symptoms
Healing Lyme Disease Naturally by Wolf Storl: A book review Part One
Tagged in: Health, Lyme disease
The author of this book has presented his philosophical views on many subjects pertaining to health and not just limiting it only to the immediate discussion on Lyme disease. He is using the study of Lyme disease to look at broader topics of healing and is well versed in many holistic paradigms. Hi…
Genetically Modified Food: Insanity or the Future of Food:
As with most things to do with food, the subject is full of controversy and conflicting evidence. Advocates of GMO’s think it will be the next agricultural revolution, bringing increased yields and a more sustainable agriculture to the world and its ever-growing population, while critics claim the…
Monsanto The Gates Foundation and the Future of Food
Tagged in: Politics, Health, food, Monsanto, Gates Foundation
he following article comes from Pambazuka news (Pan African Voices for Freedom and Justice) and all credit goes to this organization for their work, including that of looking at the pressure of the GMO industry in African and elsewhere. This article was written nearly 10 years ago and yet remains…
Are US flu deaths more PR than Science
This was the title of an article in the British Medical Journal back in 2005 – DBC – Days before Covid. The article states: “US data on influenza deaths are a mess. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) acknowledges a difference between flu d…
A Case for the Ethical Vegetarian
A lot of people have likely been vegetarian for some period in their life. Often it first starts in the idealism of early adulthood when along with questioning other forms of social structures, the food that we put into our bodies becomes another area to question.
Vaccine Epidemic: How Corporate Greed, Biased Science and Coercive Government Threaten our Human Rights, our Health and our Children.
This review was originally written in 2010. Some of the references made are relevant for that time. The book is unique in that it focuses a lot on the legal frameworks that are used to justify vaccine policy and how this is part of the growing dominion of our health by the influence of the pharmace…