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Pseudopandemic: A Book Reivew: Part Eight

  • Teaser: THE TIMING OF THE PSEUDOPANDEMIC: WHY NOW AND WHO WILL BENEFIT The timing of the pandemic and its exploitation is important to see in order to understand what is at stake. The financial pressures being put on the global system with the geo-political uncertainties, especially in the USA and the state of the US Dollar as the global reserve currency has put more pressure on global elites to act


  • Chapter 27: Pseudopandemic Trigger Event; Chapter 28: We Can Reset the World


Summary: The timing of the pandemic and its exploitation is important to see in order to understand what is at stake. The financial pressures being put on the global system with the geo-political uncertainties, especially in the USA and the state of the US Dollar as the global reserve currency has put more pressure on global elites to act. They now have their chance and are now playing their cards. The question remains as to what will be the outcome and what people all over the world will do if the current strategies of various forms of lockdown, coercive vaccine agendas, vaccine passports and biometric ID and financial realignments take place.

Chapter 27, Pseudopandemic Trigger Event, now explores the underlying agenda behind the whole scamdemic and asks the question, why now? Why did the powers that be choose this moment to embark on their game plan? Davis questions this, asking that given the serious holes in the narrative, from the low mortality rates, the dubious testing that was never meant to diagnose disease, to the blatant distortion of death figures, the suppression of other therapies etc., surely people would see through this and the players behind this would be exposed. But he then makes the case that as long as enough people believe it, it doesn’t really matter what the rest think. They can be marginalized, ignored, suppressed and censored. Also, he speculates that they likely felt they had no choice. They had to act now. The global financial system has been on the brink of collapse for some time. Debt monetization and the sheer volume of quantitative easing since 2008 and the imminent collapse of the Repo market in the autumn of 2019 (repo is the marginal rate differences between interbank lending on short term, mostly overnight loans between banks), all made the financial elites aware that things could not continue. The Bank of International Settlements (BIS) realized this also. The lack of confidence and reluctance of banks to use the Repo market showed how bad the global financial system had gotten. People on the inside knew. So, there was a need to create the game that would allow the most powerfully influential people in the world, the ones controlling the money supply of the planet, to further exploit the situation before pulling the plug on the whole thing. Hence “The Great Reset” will be needed, to quote the World Economic Forum.

Davis describes in some detail what actually transpired in 2008 with the sub-prime mortgage crisis that brought the global economy to the brink of collapse. This has been graphically described in the book and film called “The Big Short.” Many other financial analysts have stated that the massive bailouts of the banks that created the crisis only kicked the can down the road. Nothing was really changed. Central Banks took on the toxic debts from all the “ponzi scheme” investments in the sub-prime mortgages. All these mortgages packaged together as Mortgage Backed Securities (MBS) packed with other securities to create derivatives such like Collaterized Debt Obligations (CDO) magnified the apparent money supply, when in fact, nothing was really there. As Davis says, it was “fairy dust.” He deconstructs succinctly how profoundly corrupt the whole game was, where deregulated banks, thanks to Bill Clinton who, amongst other things, nixed the Glass Steagel Act in the USA, which had prevented commercial banks diving into the highly speculative derivative markets, but who could now run amok. When this happened, it was an open door for many banks to speculate madly, all based on a premise that interest rates would stay low and housing prices would continue to rise for ever. It didn’t happen and then all hell broke loose and massive financial institutions and banks were suddenly left with no ability to finance their debts which quickly led to countries like Greece, Spain, Italy, Ireland, Cyprus and Portugal being in similar positions. Only a massive injection of more “fairy dust” and Central Banks sucking up the debts of banks kept the appearance of life in what is really no more than a financial corpse. In other words, the patient is dead, it is just on life support until the global elites, who killed the patient decide to turn off the machine.

Davis makes the case that this is really what Covid 19 and the pseudopandemic is about. It started after the Repo market collapse and continued until the pseudopandemic showed up. In fact, it has since only got way worse, with massive increases in debt monetization through quantitative easing, a huge conglomeration of the world’s financial resources now in the hands of a small clique and the rest of the world left high and dry. According to Davis, it is simply a matter of time before the whole charade collapses and unless people wake up now, the “Great Reset” will be put into place with the global population “locked down” and unable to resist, aided by the Climate Change agenda, which is part of the same thing in terms of global financial control. Is this a conspiracy theory or simply being realistic? We have to decide.

Chapter 28, We can Reset the World, is the final chapter in the book. Using the terminology of the World Economic Forum, The Great Reset, it explores the possible trajectories facing us, and whether we allow ourselves to be manipulated by the global elites represented by such organizations such as the World Economic Forum and all their nice sounding platitudes, along with more than a hint of AI obsessive trans humanism, or whether we find a new way of living. Davis initially introduces us to Mariana Mazzucato and her organization, the Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose (IIPP), which is closely linked to many of the same elite groups mentioned earlier including George Soros’ Open Society Foundation and the UN Committee for Development Policy. She is a member of the Bilderberger group of “influencers”. She wrote an article in September 2020 called “Avoiding Climate Lockdown.” In it she suggests we may need to do this unless we create a new international monetary and financial system. Davis quotes her as saying:
"The climate crisis is also a public-health crisis. Addressing this crisis requires reorienting corporate governance, finance, policy, and energy systems toward a green economic transformation.. Building an inclusive, sustainable economy depends on productive cooperation among the public and private sectors and civil society. Government assistance to business must be less about subsidies, guarantees, and bailouts, and more about building partnerships."

Davis says this is the very same “stakeholder capitalism” where governments are stakeholders AKA State Franchises in a global system where there is no real democratic accountability. It is the same people who created the mess, manufactured and manipulated the pseudopandemic and now repeating the agenda, using this time the narrative of the “climate crisis.” Same agenda, different crisis. She wrote the article for the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) which is an organization comprising 200 CEOs of the world’s largest global corporations and its partner organizations including many of the most important corporations and NGOs, including the UN, EU Commission, WEF, World Bank, WHO, World Wildlife Fund, BMGF, BlackRock and the Ford Foundation. In 2010 the WBCSD produced its Vision 2050 document in which they lay out their vision for the future. They envisaged two phases of transformation. The first, 2010 to 2020 they titled the Turbulent Teens. From 2020, they termed it Transformation Time. It would be good to quote Davis again: once the fundamental changes had been able to "mature into more consistent knowledge, behavior and solutions." In their conclusion the WBCSD suggested how the process of moving from the Turbulent Teens into the Transformation Time could occur: "Crisis. Opportunity. It is a business cliché, but there is truth in it."

While for many of us 2020 was a disaster, the WBCSD were among the GPPP members for whom the pseudopandemic could not have arrived at a more opportune moment. It was a remarkable coincidence that the right crisis opportunity arrived precisely on schedule. In 2020 they updated their new Vision 2050 stating that the time to transform had arrived, they said:

"Despite its enormous human and financial cost, the COVID-19 pandemic has created an opportunity to drive and accelerate change at a completely different pace than we may have previously imagined to be possible."

What Davis makes clear in this chapter is that global financial elites and their public spokespeople in the like of Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum knew exactly what was going to happen and what they wanted to do. The mechanisms had all been put in place and now it needed to be implemented and fully monetized. In the USA this first came in the form of the CARES Act, enacted into law to ostensibly deal with the Covid pandemic. As Davis points out, the fundamentals of the CARES Act was actually agreed upon at the G7 Central Bankers Symposium at Jackson Hole, Wyoming, 4 MONTHS before the first case of Covid 19!!! BlackRock presented their report at how to deal with the next economic downturn, stating:
"Unprecedented policies will be needed to respond to the next economic downturn. Monetary policy is almost exhausted as global interest rates plunge towards zero or below. Fiscal policy on its own will struggle to provide major stimulus in a timely fashion given high debt levels and the typical lags with implementation."

BlackRock admitted that the existing IMFS was a busted flush:

"Conventional and unconventional monetary policy works primarily through the stimulative impact of lower short-term and long-term interest rates. This channel is almost tapped out."

Davis continues to describe the plans BlackRock suggest to be done in the event of an emergency, involving the creation of yet more debt, with BlackRock playing a role and avoiding all risk analysis, and the Central Bank taking direct control of all financial policy in the USA. This “emergency” was already in the pipeline, aka the Covid 19 pandemic, yet when it was being planned at Jackson Hole, the rest of the world didn’t know about it yet. But as Davis explains, all the financial and monetary strategies were being put in place, along with the anticipated implosion of the global economic system, creating the very emergency needed to roll out the necessary financial realignments to “save” the economy. What actually happened is yet more debt to governments, which transfers it to the tax payers and yet more profit and control to global elites. Davis clarifies this well. As he says, “the pseudopandemic was a global heist.” The BoE acted first of the Central Banks, giving the UK State Franchise freedom to produce as much cash as it needed, without even bothering to go to the bond markets, like the good old days. (We now see this coming to roost in Sept/Dec 2021 with all the increases in taxation being heaped on the British tax payer and severe inflationary pressures in the form of prices of food and energy and all sorts of possible supply shortages and distribution crises.)

Davis quotes Mark Carney, ex-Governor of the BoE at the same conference at Jackson Hole, in August 2019, talking of the need for a new global reserve currency and the end of the current IMFS, with the need to develop Central Bank Digital Currencies and new digital payment mechanisms, saying “the centre won’t hold.” So, it was clear to the gathered financial elites then that the current financial system was fundamentally broken. However, to embark on a radical change without jeopardising their position and their money and control was central. So, the pseudopandemic was essential to give the cover to further destroy the economy until they are ready to roll out the new system. It sounds mad, but as Davis makes the case, the evidence is there.

It may be hard to accept some of Davis’ final conclusions of the agenda of these elite groups of financial and business people but it needs to be considered. To quote Davis:

Despite what many of us believe, the solution to the alleged climate crisis has been planned for more than half a century. It may well deliver a greener, less polluted world but it is based upon some central precepts: a smaller, genetically modified race of humanoid cyborgs living in AI controlled settlements in a Technate under the rule of a technocratic and financial superclass.

The GPPP are using the excuse of climate change to create a New World Order. There is nothing new about this ambition. It is as old as political authority itself.

The climate change concerns have been becoming ever more significant and now being hashed over once more in COP26 in Glasgow, as of November 2021. Environmental and climate concerns were first being voiced by the green environmental movement, and then by more mainstream leftish elements, but it is now being adopted by the highest levels of financial and economic power. Many traditional environmentalists may celebrate this, because at last, after decades of prevarication on limiting carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, there now seems a consensus that something has to be done and quickly, in order to literally save the planet. However, Davis’ analysis is somewhat different. He is saying that the green, net zero carbon neutral movement is now simply a ruse by global elites to restructure the global economy, and in so doing, use AI and surveillance technology to control us all even more, even to the point of making many of us utterly expendable. It may seem that the global elites are keener to save the planet than the humans living on it. This may be hard to stomach but is it true?

He says the new climate change agenda is to own all the earth, all the “global commons” and to moneytize it. The carbon bond market, already functioning, will be built around private ownership of all things, and unless one complies with its dictates, one can’t do business. Individuals will have their carbon footprint monitored, taxed and sold. We will all become carbon shares in a new global financial system. (This is now being discussed in the MSM). Davis states how the World Economic Forum, in January 2020, when it produced its Metrics for Sustainable Value Creation. This and other documentation show how at the highest level, all the way to the Bank of International Settlements (BIS), the new carbon economy will be controlled by the very people who created and destroyed the last IMFS. Business as usual. Davis outlines it well and for all of us who have concerns and interests about a new way of living and creating a truly sustainable future, the growing realization is that those in power now talking about it, and those behind the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are NOT the people who should be in charge. It is BlackRock who are working to create the new “carbon neutral gold rush” and who are already holding $200 billion in sustainable ETF securities. Davis states:

These track the performance of ESG rated investments, thus driving companies who need capital to commit to SDG's. BlackRock intend to increase their ETF holding to £1 trillion by 2030 and are committed to their policy of "carbon transition readiness."

When BlackRock are controlling the agenda, can we be really confident things are going to go well for the average person in the USA or a Kenyan farmer. The new carbon market will be the new IMFS. Once in place, the old system can be junked, along with a lot of us. Jane Yellon, the ex-Fed Chair and current Treasury Secretary has made it clear who will hold the reigns of power and Davis quotes Larry Fink, CEO of BlackRock as saying:

"The pandemic has presented such an existential crisis that it has driven us to confront the global threat of climate change more forcefully.. Markets started to price climate risk into the value of securities.. then the pandemic took hold.. and the reallocation of capital accelerated even faster. I believe that this is the beginning of a long but rapidly accelerating transition – one that will unfold over many years and reshape asset prices of every type.. the climate transition presents a historic investment opportunity."

Thanks for the opportunity Larry! Davis then discusses plans and ideas around creating a fully digital currency and the banning of cash and where the Central Bank can control all transactions, tax you for taking money out or spending it, charge interest for keeping money in the bank if they think you should spend it. In 2018 the International Monetary Fund published Winds of Change, The Case for a New Digital Currency. He quoted the former head of the IMF and current President of the European Central Bank, Christine Lagard as saying: "Cryptocurrencies seek to anchor trust in technology.. you might trust their services.. Proper regulation of these entities will remain a pillar of trust. Various central banks around the world are seriously considering these ideas.. They are embracing change and new thinking—as indeed is the IMF."

As Davis, points out, the word “Trust” is used a lot there, but as a fundamental question arising at this time is whether we can ever trust government or financial institutions again, it is perhaps presumptuous on her part if any of us should trust what any of them ever say. Davis challenges the whole premises of CBDC’s as they are not really crypto currencies and not based on blockchain technology in the way originally devised. They are centralized systems of control, the exact opposite of how cryptocurrencies were originally intended.

The Central Banks want a CBDC mainly because they can control everything and make money from us. The hate decentralized digital currencies. It is anathema to them as they lose control. The media may criticize China’s goal in developing a CBDC as it can be used for authoritarian purposes but not criticize western Central Banks for doing the same thing with the same motives. As Davis states, the IMF have already suggested that our financial behaviour and our online activity could go toward a new kind of individual credit rating. So, our behaviour will be monitored to create our credit score which will be controlled by banks who will have all control of our spending patterns and ultimately can decide if our money is actually available to us. Businesses can be controlled in the same say, which could limit access to funds, loans and their survival. Again, it’s all about control.

Davis finishes the book with a warning that a “fake” financial hack attack by Russian hackers could be the first step in the global reset being planned. As the pseudopandemic was used to prepare the global population for ongoing control and monitoring through biometric IDs, then the next step is the pretext to rewrite the IMFS to suit the financial elites. He quotes Aldous Huxley in one of Huxley’s most prophetic quotes, saying that “coercion alone is not enough to maintain control. It needs the acquiescence and complicity of the people who will agree to be controlled. They will give their consent.” Therefore, the struggle now is one of information and to persuade enough people not to give their consent, not to agree to accept the evisceration of fundamental freedoms for a security that will never be there. Not to accept the lie that those in power really have our interests at heart. If there is anything to be learnt during this time of the pseudopandemic, it is that the so-called democratic system is fundamentally broken. The political classes are simply another cog in the machine of control and manipulation, ultimately doing what they are told because they know no better or they are actively part of the deception. Either way, we have to find another way to maintain the dignity and community in our lives, together.

As Davis says at the end of the book:

We do not have to live in fear, we do not have to obey the claimed authority of liars and thieves and we do not have to believe anything we are told. We are sovereign human beings with free will. We have the ability to think critically and we can exercise our inalienable rights and freedoms.

If enough of us do, if we seize control of the technology that is being misused to imprison us, there is no authority on Earth that can stop us. We can reset the world.


Davis challenges us in the book to come to our own conclusions. He lays out the evidence as he sees it. It is still a time of transition. It doesn’t have to get as dark as Davis perhaps portrays it, but there is no doubt much truth in many of his conclusions and comments. The basic premise of the pseudopandemic is true. There is a massive amount of misinformation and lies being perpetrated upon the global population. The question now is, what do we do about it?