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Covid Vaccines: Do they work: Analysis after 10 months

  • Teaser: Analysis and comments by Dr Chris Martenson on the lack of efficasy of Covid vaccines

Vaccines: Nearly One year On.

The following are some thoughts and conclusions on the impact of the various vaccines, nearly one year since they have been introduced. The following information was extracted from a Youtube video presented by Dr Chris Martenson.

First the conclusions:

·       Current vaccines do not prevent spread of the Delta variant within households (UK Data)

·       Current vaccines drop below the 50% effectiveness barrier within 5 months of infection and 6 months for severe Covid (Swedish data)

·       Men, the elderly and those with comorbidities are higher risk of early drop-off in vaccine effectiveness (Swedish data)

·       Thus, all the main arguments for mandates are not founded on either data or logic.

·       Worse, vaccinated people may falsely believe they are safe, or safer, to others in society than the unvaccinated.

·       Vaccines do not deliver “herd immunity” and may even thwart development of more durable natural immunity (N-protein, UK data). This deserves discussion.


Please watch the following 34 minute video and analyse the information given from current research leading to the above conclusions.